josh taylor dancer, choreographer, educator

#iAmStillAnArtist means that despite being, in ways, physically unable to do what I do fully, I still found/find ways to create, share and teach because it is how I live, in every sense. The pandemic inched me closer every day to close the doors of an arts organization I had been building for 12 years which brought on a kind of depression, that drastically hindered my creative, and professional drive. I was also feeling the weight and exhaustion from the traumatic replays of consistent violence, inequity and dehumanization of Black, Indigenous and Racialized people and the subsequent apathy, inaction and empty words that followed by so many. It took time, and quiet refocusing for me to find ways I could get back to doing what I love to do while helping address these issues through my art, my voice and presence beyond it.

Josh Taylor is a dancer, choreographer, storyteller and an artist-educator/mentor. In his artistic practice, Josh pulls his influences predominately from his Hip-Hop and Street Dance roots and training, but also uses elements of Contemporary and Latin dance. Often incorporating themes exploring Hip-Hop culture, Pop culture, sociopolitical and social justice issues, he aims to entertain, educate and express. As the Owner and Artistic Director of Defining Movement Dance, Josh is also passionate about helping young movement artists build a platform and find their voice.